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For years, one of the highlights of my birthday was the banana cream pie my grandma would lovingly and expertly bake for me. It was beyond delicious. I’d look forward to it every year because hers was so good that I wouldn’t eat a slice from anyone else. I’d work on the leftovers for several days, sharing it, in retrospect, rather stingily with loved ones. That was one of few annual traditions in my custom-semi-casual family.

banana cream pie

My birthday just came around again on Christmas Eve, and though my grandmother left us many years ago, my fond pie memories are fresh. And they remind me that in baking, you can have the best ingredients, but if you don’t mix them properly or if you bake them at the wrong temperature or for the wrong duration, they won’t produce the desired results. And the reverse is true too. If the bananas in your banana cream pie aren’t ripe enough or you add too much sugar, no step-by-step directions can save it (clearly problems my grandma never had).

In this final installment of Your Essential Dream-Job Recipe, we dive into the third must-have component: the how-to. This is the ingredient far too many job seekers rush into while neglecting the critical preparation and introspection required for the first two ingredients. It’s easy to see why — compared to mindset and self-discovery, this step feels straightforward.

But here’s the catch: Most people overestimate their proficiency in this area. Familiarity with resumes and LinkedIn gives a false sense of confidence, yet many don’t truly understand how to tailor these tools to their advantage. Knowing what to do isn’t the same as knowing how to make it work for you.

Trie with wrench

In Part 1 of this series, the first ingredient we explored is Your Mindset, which needs to be mindful and oriented to growth and success. Unfortunately, when it comes to the steps involved in landing a dream job, this ingredient gets overlooked about 80% of the time. The chief problem facing ingredient number two, Your Magic, is that most often there’s not enough of what makes you uniquely gifted infused into the career transformation approach.

The challenge with ingredient, Your Mechanics, is entirely different. Because mechanics produce tangible goods — the job search tools we all know — many job seekers rush right into developing them while skipping or skimping on the first two ingredients.

Even worse, once job seekers are in the midst of developing these important tools, they often encounter a whole lot of conflicting, outdated and downright bad advice on how to develop them effectively. Misinformation abounds about how to craft a resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, portfolio and more that will lead to interviews and ultimately to offers for dream job opportunities.

Here are a few highlights of the mechanics necessary to produce the most common job search tools: your resume, LinkedIn profile and cover letter.


When it comes to writing your resume, you may have the best credentials and personal branding, but if you don’t know how to communicate them properly in this all-important job search tool, the results will be highly disappointing.

Here are five essentials:

  1. Customize your resume to every position you apply for.

  2. Ensure that every word adds value to this specific position and you as a candidate.

  3. Include only the information that showcases the best you.

  4. Make your outcomes measurable so the reader can quickly assess the results you’ve achieved.

  5. Be clear, concise and consistent with spacing, punctuation, style and fonts.


In terms of your LinkedIn profile, four keys:

  1. Feature a profile photo and background banner that are professional, on-brand and dynamic.

  2. Craft a clear and powerful headline.

  3. Tell your story and highlight your unique value and strengths in your About section.

  4. Add information to each relevant job entry so you are not merely duplicating what you’ve included on your resume.


In terms of an effective cover letter, short, sweet and compelling are what you’re after. Succinctly explain what position you are applying for, why and what it is about your unique blend of skills, experience and work style that make you the best candidate.


In each of these tools and the others I haven’t covered here — such as your portfolio, blog, personal website, business cards, voicemail message, email signature and work samples — make sure you incorporate enough of your Magic and the right Mindset when you craft them. And naturally, ensure the Mechanics you employ are on point for today.

With these three ingredients in place, you will be well poised to apply for and land your dream job. Spending the time and energy in getting your materials ready for a job search will be rewarding beyond measure. You deserve nothing less than your dream job, and you deserve it now because life is fast and fleeting and you, your friends and family, your employer and your community benefit when you are doing work that is an excellent fit. Landing it will feel (almost) as good as my grandma's banana cream pie tasted! 🤍

free job search audit

P.S. If your dream job is eluding you, DOWNLOAD the free Job Search Success Audit now so you can see where you're stuck and fix it.


Trie Angeleva

Maria Katrien 'Trie' Angeleva Heslin, MA, MA 

Certified Coach, Author & Trainer

Dubbed “Professor Dream Job,” by her students, Trie is a former COO and founder of Reimagine Monday. She specializes in helping individuals transform their careers and lives through mindful, strategic approaches. Trie developed and taught career success courses at Indiana University, building on her proven methodology, The Love Monday Method. Her latest release, Launch, designed to help new college grads get unstuck in their search and empower their new career, is now available for Pre-Order.

With two Master's degrees, a Certificate in Executive Leadership from Cornell University, six coaching certifications and a deep passion for guiding new graduates and professionals in their prime, Trie supports individuals in navigating their career paths with clarity and confidence, and is dedicated to helping YOU turn your dream job into a reality.

Connect with Trie at

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