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Hello, Dream Job Seekers!

Job searching can be like running a marathon — but not the kind with scenic views and cold water stations. It’s more like the one where you’re stuck at mile three, and everyone else is breezing past you. Feel familiar?

If you're nodding along, you might be hitting a wall without even realizing it. Most new grads think they know what’s holding them back. They assume it’s their resume, their degree or they blame the tough job market. But more often than not, the real issue is sneakier than that — something less obvious that you haven’t quite pinpointed yet.

frustrated college student

Step One: Diagnose The Problem, Don’t Just Slap A Band-Aid On It

Let’s stop tossing out random solutions, hoping one sticks. You don’t need to send out another 100 resumes or obsessively refresh your inbox looking for some type of positive job application acknowledgement!

Refining your job search approach the right way may require more than quick, tactical fixes like adjusting your cover letters or staying up late to perfect your “What’s your biggest weakness?” answer. Think of it like fixing a car: You wouldn’t swap out the tires when the engine’s the real problem. You need a clear diagnosis of what’s actually holding you back before you keep spinning your wheels.

It’s tempting to assume the issue is something simple, like your resume font or LinkedIn headline, and maybe it is. However, other roadblocks often are harder to see. Most new grads remain stuck because they haven’t uncovered the true problem yet — and that’s what we’re going to fix. The good news? Diagnosing your job search woes is easier than you think. So grab a delicious hot bev of choice, take a deep breath and let's break it down.

Trie Angeleva with coffee

Step Two: Diagnose & Fix Your Job Search Stall Like A Pro

Here are five of the most common job search dead ends — and how to spot them before you send out another round of applications that evaporate into the void.

1) You’re Treating Networking Like It’s Optional (It’s Not)

Here’s a crucial truth: Most jobs aren’t even posted. If you’re relying solely on resumes and online applications, you’re playing the long odds. Networking isn’t about awkward events with bad snacks. It’s about creating genuine connections.

Diagnose it: If your job search is all online applications, it’s time for a change. Networking is the edge you need.

 2) Your Resume Isn’t Doing You Any Favors

Trie Angeleva holding resume

If your resume isn’t landing you interviews, it’s not pulling its weight. Two common culprits: It’s either not ATS-friendly or just not compelling enough. According to research from Gitnux, 75% of resumes don’t make it through ATS screening and to a human reviewer because of formatting, content or lack of keywords.

The third factor? Believing your resume is excellent when it isn't. Of all job search pieces, the resume tends to be the one where candidates believe they are strong, but in fact it's not serving their needs at all. The average recruiter spends 7.4 seconds on your resume — so if yours doesn’t shout, “I’m the one!” in that time, they’re moving on faster than you can say "unpaid internship."

Diagnose it: Applied to 20 jobs and got zero interviews? Time for a resume overhaul. My upcoming release Launch walks you through the major resume must-haves, and I’ve written a 3-part series on infusing all the right ingredients into your resume so it actually gets noticed. Start with Part 1.

 3) You’re Stuck In The Land Of Too Much Or Not Enough

Some grads apply to every job under the sun, while others laser-focus on one perfect dream job. Both strategies can leave you stuck. Too many applications spread you thin; too few leave you with nothing.

Diagnose it: Are the roles you’re applying to a good match for your skills, interests and goals? If not, take a step back and refine your approach to determine if you’re casting too wide or too narrow a net. Learn more about how to write an effective Job Search Plan here.

pile of money

 4) You Don’t Know Your ‘Why’

If you’re just applying for jobs for the paycheck, trust me, recruiters can sense that a mile away. You need a personal reason that drives you. Without it, your job search will lack direction, and employers won’t see the spark they’re looking for.

Diagnose it: What’s your why? If you don’t know, it’s time to figure it out. A clear purpose can help you sharpen your job search strategy and land roles that fit your motivations. Take a few minutes today to reflect on your values and passions, and how they align with your career choices. Check out this blog post for tips.

 5) Your Mindset Is Dragging You Down

I’m not saying you need to be a 24/7 walking bundle of sunshine. But if you’re convinced your job search is hopeless, that’s probably coming across in your applications. A mindset shift from “I’ll never land this” to “I’m getting closer every day” can make all the difference.

cover of mindful dream job primer

Diagnose it: Feeling overwhelmed or tired of the process? Mindfulness can help you reset. In fact, one of the key takeaways from the Accelerator Mindful Dream Job Primer, which is included in The Launch Deluxe Suite, is how to stay grounded and focused even when things get tough. You’d be amazed at how much that mindset shift can turn things around. If you're not too familiar with what mindfulness is all about, check out this quick video and this brief mindful breather.

 Step Three: Let's Fix It For Good

Now that we’ve touched on a few common roadblocks, it’s time to dig deeper. Other potential roadblocks include issues like body language, weak soft skills or an unclear personal brand. One of the best ways to overcome these obstacles is by identifying the exact areas where you’re stuck and making focused adjustments that get results.

This isn’t about overhauling everything overnight. It’s about identifying where you’re stuck and making smart adjustments so you can move forward with clarity and purpose. My free Job Search Success Audit can be a great help. Fixing those weak spots could be the difference between another month of job search limbo and finally hearing, “You’re hired.”

 Ready To Take Action?

cover of the book Launch

If this sounds like you, it’s time to stop guessing and start diagnosing. Launch: The New College Grad’s Guide to Getting Unstuck & Empowering Your Dream Career is your roadmap. It’s designed to help you pinpoint what’s holding you back and take real, targeted action to land your dream job. Pre-order your copy today and start making progress toward the career you’ve been dreaming of.

PS: Want to dive deeper? My 1-on-1 Precision Coaching sessions can help take your job search to the next level. Whether you need tailored strategies, personalized feedback or ongoing support, these sessions will fast-track your results. Learn more about how coaching can benefit you here.

Career expert Trie Angeleva

Maria Katrien Angeleva, MA, MA

Certified Coach, Author & Trainer

Dubbed “Professor Dream Job,” by her students, Trie is a former COO and founder of Reimagine Monday. She specializes in helping individuals transform their careers and lives through mindful, strategic approaches. Trie developed and taught career success courses at Indiana University, building on her proven methodology, The Love Monday Method. Her latest release, Launch, designed to help new college grads get unstuck in their search and empower their new career, is now available for pre-order.

With two Master's degrees, a Certificate in Executive Leadership from Cornell University, six coaching certifications and a deep passion for guiding new graduates and professionals in their prime, Trie supports individuals in navigating their career paths with clarity and confidence, and is dedicated to helping YOU turn your dream job into a reality.

Connect with Trie at

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