Finding work that’s an excellent fit is one of the most important endeavors you will ever undertake. Work has a significant impact on nearly every aspect of your life: your health, stress levels, personal relationships, finances, confidence, enthusiasm, joy, engagement and energy.
Yet sadly, too few people look forward to the start of their workweek. Some even suffer from the Sunday blues — I sure did!!
But when you are in work that’s a great fit, you spend your time in ways that bring you tremendous joy. You feel aligned with your values and goals. You and your ideas are heard and respected. You make the mark you want to make.
When this happens, you thrive! And when you thrive, your friends and family benefit, your community benefits, and the world becomes that much better.

Your needs are URGENT! You've got a dream-job interview, application deadline or big networking event, and you need help now.
You're in the midst of making a job or career change and need support getting unstuck and moving forward in the process.
You're eager to discover, prepare for and claim THE opportunity that will align with your boldest goals, values, passions and strengths.
Achieve your goals faster.
Stay focused, on track, motivated and accountable.
Prioritize your ideas, options and actions.
Discover and work through any real or perceived blocks.
Map out a plan that is in alignment with your personal mission, vision, values and goals.
Identify clear steps so you know exactly how to make the changes you’re after.

(in all modesty, of course)
You’re guided by someone who has helped hundreds of individuals find work they love. I’ve coached everyone — from former professional athletes and business owners to college students and career changers in their prime — as I tailor my method to be effective for your career stage, goals and lines of work.
You navigate through the right steps in the right order.
You’re supported by someone who will listen deeply and provide you with motivation, accountability, honest feedback, insightful questions and encouragement.
You’re working with a specialist who has developed and taught career preparation courses for a major university and who has five coaching certifications.
You approach the process holistically to ensure your professional goals align and fit well with the others important aspects of your life.
You can work with me to develop cutting edge resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles bolstered by my experience as a writer and marketing strategist.
You benefit from my years of interviewing, hiring and managing staff, from interns through senior-level executives.
You gain a wide perspective from my experience managing people and teams, from myself as an entrepreneur to nonprofit boards and 750-person organizations as a CIO in fields ranging from government, nonprofits and corporate to marketing, small businesses, the arts and social media.
You get to where you want to be fast and strategically because I use all the valuable experience I've had in navigating jobs and careers that were an excellent fit, a horrible fit and everything in between.
In the wild times we’ve experienced the past few years, more and more of us are noticing that this thing called life is unpredictable, shorter than it should be and ever changing.
People want and deserve more from their professional experience, and they want to be happy and fulfilled in their career ... and their lives.
It's time to Reimagine how we live and work. Let's get started today!